The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship at National Institute of Chemistry
Open positions for an Individual Researcher in the Horizon 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme.
National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), leading research institution in Slovenia, is looking for motivated candidates for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme applications (MSCA PF) in the fields of health, environmental protection, circular economy, sustainable energy, low carbon technology, climate change and analytics.
We welcome applications of highly motivated experienced researchers with a doctoral degree of any nationality. Postdoctoral fellowships last from one to two years.
Open research positions at the National Institute of Chemistry
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (Call ID:HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01)
There are main requirements of eligibility:
- Be a Postdoctoral Researcher: Be in possession of a doctoral degree, defined as a successfully defended doctoral thesis, even if the doctoral degree has yet to be awarded.
- Have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent research experience: Measured from the date that the researcher was in a possession of a doctoral degree and certified by appropriate documents. Periods of inactivity in research do not count towards the time of research experience (e.g. unemployment, employment outside research, long-term sick leave, parental leave etc).
- Researcher can be of any nationality but must not have lived or worked in Slovenia for more than 12 months during the three years up to the closing date of the call (mobility rule).
- The applicants must choose the National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia as their Host Institution. European Fellowships: the researcher must move or have moved to the Slovenia where the NIC is located.
- All areas of research.
Applicants should possess a strong publication record (at least 2 or 3 publications as first author in first quartile internationally recognised journals). Your CV should provide evidence of independence and you will be expected to co-create the proposal idea with your host supervisor. Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral approaches are strongly encouraged.
In order to apply the applicants must choose one of the “Supervisors project proposals”and send the following four forms as pdf files to:
- Curriculum vitae and publications list
- Letter of motivation and research statement
- Eligibility Self-declaration
- Certificate of knowledge of English language
All forms are compulsory. Applications lacking any document will not be considered.
Closing date for application: June 30th 2023. Deadline extended till July 16th 2023!
National Institute of Chemistry team will verify candidates eligibility and send the applications to Supervisors taking in consideration the choice expressed by candidates in their application forms.
Knowledge of Slovenian is not required. Strong knowledge of English language is necessary.
NIC’s Project Office will organize online informational workshop for all applicants in the second week of July.
If we will be successful in application, you will be offered a full time research position for the duration of the grant (between 12 and 24 months). Relocation assistance in practical matters. Further employment after the contract end is also possible.
1. Eligibility checks and finding a supervisor. We can assist you with verifying your eligibility and finding a supervisor affiliated with NIC.
2. Draft proposal writing (June-August). Applicants register themselves and their proposal in the online Participant Portal using the validated PIC of NIC. Applicants write their proposal with input and support from their supervisor and the Project Management Office (PMO) team.
3. Feedback on the draft proposal (optional) (June-August). Applicants have the opportunity to ask for feedback on their draft proposal (at least 80% ready). The NIC PMO team has in depth experience with MSCA PF proposals and will give feedback on all sections of the proposal. Contact the PMO team for more information.
4. Feedback on part A (optional). The NIC PMO team can verify whether the information in part A is complete and correct.
5. Deadline for Applicants at NIC (6 September 2023). Final MSCA PF deadline (13 September 2023).
Please address any inquiries to the email address:
National Institute of Chemistry is an equal opportunities employer and has an excellent international reputation with staff from many different nations.