SusChem Slovenia
SusChem is the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry
SusChem is the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry. It is a forum that brings together industry, academia, policy makers and the wider society.
SusChem’s vision is for a competitive and innovative Europe where sustainable chemistry and biotechnology together provide solutions for future generations.
SusChem’s mission is to initiate and inspire European chemical and biochemical innovation to respond effectively to societal’s challenges by providing sustainable solutions.
SusChem National Technology Platform Slovenia (NTP Slovenia) is leading by the National Institute of Chemistry and help to connect SusChem thinking with national and regional programmes. It also facilitates transnational collaboration and advise SusChem at the European level on collective national priorities that need to be considered in European initiatives.
SusChem Slovenia was established in October 2006 and has 20 members, the vast majority of which are SMEs.
National level objectives
Research and innovation areas of interest to SusChem Slovenia are:
- Biotechnology and biochemical engineering
- Nanotechnology and advanced materials
- Environmental technologies and Sustainable Development
- Rational use of energy, water and raw materials
- Resource efficiency and circular economy
- New and improved processes
- Information and Communication Technology, Digitalisation
- Research, development, innovation and education.
Contact information
Dr. Blaž Likozar, President, SusChem Slovenia
T: +386 1 4760 281
Dr. Barbara TIŠLER, Communication Officer
T: +386 1 4760 498